April 2024

New Connectors


DataChannel now supports the DynamoDB connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL page on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This DynamoDB connector will enable users to stream relevant DynamoDB datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data pulled using such a pipeline will enable users to view data from the DynamoDB in their warehouse.

Available Pipelines

  1. Table/View - Retrieve data from the database based on a table/view and/or columns chosen by the user.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel now supports Asana connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL page on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Asana connector will enable business managers to stream relevant data from Asana platform into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to streamline workflows and improve workplace collaboration thus, positively impacting efficiency, innovation, and team relationships.

Available Pipelines

  1. Custom Fields - Retrieve a list of all of the custom fields settings on a workspace, in compact form.

  2. Tasks - Retrieve all tasks in the specified workspace.

  3. Teams - Retrieve all teams in the specified workspace.

  4. Users - Retrieve all users in the specified workspace.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Feature Updates

Amazon Ads

DataChannel’s Amazon Ads connector now supports 6 new forward data pipelines. The new and existing pipelines of the Amazon Ads connector can be accessed from the ETL page on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipelines that are now available

  • Advertisers- Retrieve a list of Amazon Attribution advertisers.

  • Brand Metrics- Retrieve a list of Amazon Attribution advertisers.

  • Exports- Retrieve a list of Amazon Attribution advertisers.

  • Sponsored Television Ad Groups- Retrieve performance data for all Sponsored Television campaigns that received impressions on the chosen dates, grouped by ad group.

  • Sponsored Television Campaigns- Retrieve performance data for all Sponsored Television campaigns that received impressions on the chosen dates, grouped by Campaign.

  • Sponsored Television Targeting- Retrieve performance data for all Sponsored Television campaigns that received impressions on the chosen dates, broken down by both targeting expressions and keywords.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Amazon Selling Partner API

DataChannel’s Amazon Selling Partner API connector now supports 2 new forward data pipelines. The new and existing pipelines of the Amazon Selling Partner API connector can be accessed from the ETL page on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipelines that are now available

  • Catalog Items- Retrieve information about items in the Amazon catalog.

  • Financial Events- Retrieve information about financial events for the specified date range.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel’s monday.com connector now supports a new forward data pipeline. The new and existing pipelines of the monday.com connector can be accessed from the ETL page on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipeline that is now available

  • Activity Logs- Retrieve records of all activities performed on a board.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Adjust Connector upgrade

In keeping with changes to the API, we have updated the Adjust forward connector.

For more details, click here. Users can access the upgraded version from the ETL tab in the DataChannel Console.

Klaviyo Version upgrade

To adopt changes to the API,, we have updated the Klaviyo forward connector.

For more details, click here. Users can access the upgraded version from the ETL tab in the DataChannel Console.

Public API

On the DataChannel Management API, a new endpoint has been added for adding a new Data Warehouse.

For more details click here

Warehouse De-linking when no reports configured

Earlier, once a warehouse had been added to a data source, users did not have any option to change/ de-link it. However, now we have provided the functionality so that users can de-link a warehouse from a data source provided that it has no reports configured.

Amazon Selling Partner API- Orders Pipeline

The following changes have been made for configuring Amazon Selling Partner API- Orders Pipeline:

  • Manual Run option has been removed.

  • Backfill option has been removed.

  • The report will now only run on a predefined schedule(one run every hour).


    Users are advised to re-configure their existing Amazon Selling Partner API- Orders Pipeline accordingly to ensure uninterrupted flow of data.

Multi-Warehouse Support for dbt™

Users can now link multiple warehouses (of the same type) to a dbt™ project to cater to multiple schemas. While selecting multiple warehouse make sure to mention the target name for each warehouse and indicate the default profile.

dbt transformations multiple warehouses

Template Management v1

The following changes have been made to enhance the usefulness of templates for users:

  • Templates can now be created without adding credentials.

  • Pipeline Scheduling can now be defined within the template itself. While configuring the pipeline using templates, users may make use of the toggle to utilise the pre-defined template schedule or define their own pipeline schedule.

  • Notifications settings for pipeline run can now be defined within the template itself.

Still have Questions?

We’ll be happy to help you with any questions you might have! Send us an email at info@datachannel.co.

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