Familiarisation with the User Interface

Top Banner

This section will help to familiarize you with the Top Banner of the DataChannel Console. On the uppermost part of the screen, you will be able to view the Top Banner.

top banner
  1. On the left side of the Top Banner, the name of the tab you are currently on is displayed.

  2. A Search Box in the center of the Top Banner, is a quick way to search the console for any specific DataChannel service that you are looking for.

  3. A Workspace name dropdown towards the right of the Top Banner, is a quick way to switch between workspaces you have access to, and displays the name of the workspace you are currently working on.

  4. Clicking on the New Updates icon next to the workspace dropdown gives you a snapshot of the recent product updates/ additions at DataChannel .

  5. Clicking on the Help icon located towards the right side of the Top Banner, takes you to the Product Documentation pages which you can refer to for any specific Help Topic.

  6. The Bell Icon located next to the Help icon alerts you if you have new notifications. You can simply click on the Bell icon to view recent notifications for your DataChannel Account.

  7. The profile icon on the right corner of the Top banner lets you manage your account, profile, settings, passwords and also contains the logout button. Clicking on the profile icon displays various menu options to choose from as shown below:

profile icon

5.1. Your username and role assigned is displayed here

5.2. Your subscription plan type is reflected below your username.

5.3. To raise a support ticket or seek assistance on Chat from our support team, you can use the Help and Support menu option.

5.4. The Settings menu option is a quick link to go to your profile page in the Settings Tab. You can connect or disconnect your social accounts connected to DataChannel with the help of this menu option. This tab also allows you to change your DataChannel account password, add new users, manage credentials, choose notification settings and timezones.

5.5. To Sign out from your DataChannel Account use the Logout button which is the last menu option.

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