Naming & Saving Data Pipelines


It is important to choose a proper descriptive name for the pipeline as, this would also be the name of the table created in the data warehouse where the data from this pipeline will be stored. However, because of this reason, there are some restriction on how you can name the pipeline. Following points need to be ensured while choosing a name for your pipeline:-

Considerations for naming data pipelines
  1. The name should be unique across the account and the data source.

  2. No special characters should be used other than underscore (_).

  3. No spaces should be used in the name.

  4. Try to follow a consistent naming scheme across the account so that you can easily search for and locate the tables.

  5. Datachannel adds a prefix to the name chosen by you before creating the table. This prefix is decided based on the DataSource. For example, if you name your Facebook pipeline ad_performance_age_gender, the table created would be fb_ad_performance_age_gender.

Datachannel also creates a temporary table with the following naming convention [prefix] + "_tmp_" + [pipeline name]. For the example above the temporary table would be fb_tmp_ad_performance_age_gender. This table is used as a staging table for data insert and should not be used by you for any analytical / downstream purposes.

Saving as a Template

In case you envisage creating multiple reports of this type for different accounts / clients (in case of agencies), you can choose to create a template out of this report. This will allow you to skip selecting all the options when you create a similar report next time. In order to do so, click the Save as a Template button and give your template a name.

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