List of Available Objects & Reports - Amazon Selling Partner API
Report / Object | Description |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve information about items in the Amazon catalog. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve information about items in the Amazon catalog information about items in the Amazon catalog by keywords. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve information about financial events for the specified date range. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a list of fulfillment orders fulfilled after a specified start date. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve Inventory Summaries for items in the Amazon catalog. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve information about a subscription for the specified notification type. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve information about orders created or updated during the time frame indicated by the specified parameters. |
This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a list of features available for Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders. |
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