January 2022

New Module

Reverse ETL

Reverse ETL transforms your data warehouse into an actionable asset by enabling you to integrate your analytics. It concludes the data integration loop by moving data from the warehouse into a user platform.

List of Supported Reverse ETL Datawarehouses
List of Supported Reverse ETL Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

New Connector


DataChannel now supports an upgraded version of the Criteo connector. The connector can be accessed from the Data Sources page on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Criteo connector will enable users to stream data from Criteo into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will allow you to access support tickets.

Available Pipelines

  1. Ad Set - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve Ad Sets belonging to a list of selected advertisers.

  2. Campaign - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve campaigns in your portfolio related to a particular advertiser.

  3. Log Report - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve log-level, publisher-oriented information on your ad impressions and clicks in the form of daily reports.

  4. Reports - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve data related to the campaigns' performance.

  5. Transaction Report - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve transaction ID reports that include the ability to report on transactions within a given time period, transactions associated with select or all advertisers in your portfolio, or specific transaction ID’s.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Feature Update


DataChannel’s Outbrain connector now supports 3 new data pipelines. The new and existing pipelines of the Outbrain connector can be accessed from the Data Sources page on the DataChannel Dashboard.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

Available Pipelines

  1. Platforms By Campaign - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve performance statistics by platform at a campaign breakdown level.

  2. Publishers By Campaign - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve marketer performance statistics of publishers data by campaign breakdown.

  3. Sections By Campaign - This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve marketer performance statistics data by campaign breakdown.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

BigQuery V2

We have upgraded the version for BigQuery destination. For more details, click here. Users can access the upgraded version from the data destination tab in the DataChannel Dashboard.

PostgreSQL V2

We have upgraded the version for PostgreSQL destination. For more details, click here. Users can access the upgraded version from the data destination tab in the DataChannel Dashboard.

Backfill for Outbrain

We have upgraded the Outbrain connector to include the backfill option. For more details, click here.

Still have Questions?

We’ll be happy to help you with any questions you might have! Send us an email at info@datachannel.co.

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