Setup Guide - Zoom

Follow our setup guide to connect Zoom to DataChannel.


To connect Zoom to DataChannel, you need:

  • An active Zoom account with permissions to access data from accounts you’d like to sync and decide which breakdowns and fields you’d like to sync.

  • Follow the under-mentioned steps to create Server to server OAuth App. Click here for more details:

    • Go to the Zoom App Marketplace. Click Develop in the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the page and select Build Server-to-Server App.

    • Add a name for your app and click Create.

    • App credentials: View your account ID, client ID and client secret. You’ll use these credentials to authenticate with Zoom.

    • Information: Add information about your app, such as a short description, company name, and developer contact information (name and email address required for activation).

    • Feature: Toggle whether you’d like to enable event subscriptions. If enabled, choose the event subscriptions you’d like to use. See Using Zoom Webhooks for details.

    • Scopes: Scopes define the API methods this app is allowed to call, and thus which information and capabilities are available on Zoom. Scopes are restricted to specific resources like channels or files. We recommend selecting all the view related scopes which allow us to read the data. However, you can be selective in your selection.

    • Following scopes are however mandatory to be selected for this app to function with DataChannel - user:read:admin, meeting:read:admin, webinar:read:admin, chat_channel:read:admin, report:read:admin, user:read:list_users:admin, dashboard:read:list_meetings:admin, dashboard:read:list_webinars:admin

Setup instructions

  1. Select a data destination for your Zoom Data. If you have not yet added a data warehouse, go to data warehouse tab and add a warehouse.

    Data Warehouse once selected cannot be changed.
  2. You will need your App credentials which include the account ID, client ID, and client secret, which Zoom provides to app developers to access the Zoom platform. Get your app credentials on your app details page on the Zoom App Marketplace.

  3. Authorise DataChannel to connect to your Zoom account using any name, and your App credentials.

zoom new creds
  1. Click on + Data Pipeline to start adding data pipelines to your account.

    zoom data source detail
  2. Details of individual objects and reports are available here.

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