May 2024

New Connectors


DataChannel now supports the Adtraction connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Adtraction connector will enable users to stream relevant Adtraction datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to enhance reach to their audience and increase sales.

Available Pipelines

  1. Statistics - Retrieve the aggregation of statistics across a defined time period.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Google Search Ads 360

DataChannel now supports the Google Search Ads 360 connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Google Search Ads 360 connector will enable users to stream relevant Google Search Ads 360 datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to monitor various performance metrics to optimize search campaigns to run more efficiently.

Available Pipelines

  1. Ad Group Ad - Retrieve the details about an ad group’s ad resources.

  2. Ad Group Asset - Retrieve the details about an ad group’s assets.

  3. Ad Group Audience View - Retrieve the details about an ad group’s audience view.

  4. Ad Group Performance Report - Retrieve the details about the performance of ad groups.

  5. Campaign Asset - Retrieve the details about a campaign’s assets.

  6. Campaign Audience View - Retrieve the details about a campaign’s audience view.

  7. Campaign Budget - Retrieve the details about a campaign’s budget.

  8. Campaign Performance Report - Retrieve the details about the performance of campaigns.

  9. Keyword View - Retrieve the details about keyword view.

  10. Location View - Retrieve the details about location view.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Everflow Affiliate

DataChannel now supports the Everflow Affiliate connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Everflow Affiliate connector will enable users to stream relevant Everflow Affiliate datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to view and evaluate Affiliate marketing performance.

Available Pipelines

  1. Raw Conversions - Retrieve unaggregated conversion data where each conversion is a “row” of data.

  2. Reporting Data - Retrieve reporting metrics from the Everflow platform.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel now supports Dukaan connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL Tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Dukaan connector will enable advertisers to stream data from Dukaan platform into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to monitor their online stores better.

Available Pipelines

  1. Audiences - Retrieve the details of audiences in your Dukaan Account.

  2. Categories - Retrieve the details of product categories in your Dukaan Account.

  3. Inventory - Retrieve the details of inventory in your Dukaan Account.

  4. Orders - Retrieve the details of orders in your Dukaan Account.

  5. Products - Retrieve the details of products in your Dukaan Account.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Shopify GraphQL

DataChannel now supports the Shopify GraphQL connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL Tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Shopify GraphQL connector will enable users to stream relevant Shopify GraphQL datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to access CRM data across marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

Available Pipelines

  1. Custom Query - Retrieve data from Shopify store into your data warehouse.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

New Destinations


DataChannel now supports Intercom Reverse ETL connector. The connector can be accessed from the Reverse ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step setup guide for a smooth integration.

The Intercom Reverse ETL connector enables streaming relevant data from your data warehouse into the Intercom platform.

Available Syncs

  1. Articles- enables you to load articles from a user specified data warehouse to the Intercom platform.

  2. Companies- enables you to load companies' details from a user specified data warehouse to the Intercom platform.

  3. Contacts- enables you to load contact details from a user specified data warehouse to the Intercom platform.

Supported Reverse ETL Datawarehouses

Click here for more details about this connector.

Feature Updates

Amazon Selling Partner API

DataChannel’s Amazon Selling Partner API connector now supports a new forward data pipeline. The new and existing pipelines of the Amazon Selling Partner API connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipeline that is now available

  • Catalog Items by Keyword- Retrieve information about items in the Amazon catalog information about items in the Amazon catalog by keywords.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Amazon Vendor Central

DataChannel’s Amazon Vendor Central connector now supports a new forward data pipeline. The new and existing pipelines of the Amazon Vendor Central connector can be accessed from the ETL Tab on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipeline that is now available

  • Catalog Items by Keyword- Retrieve information about items in the Amazon catalog information about items in the Amazon catalog by keywords.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Amazon Ads

DataChannel’s Amazon Ads connector now supports a new forward data pipeline. The new and existing pipelines of the Amazon Ads connector can be accessed from the ETL Tab on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipeline that is now available

  • Portfolios- Retrieve a list of portfolios supported within an advertiser account.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Custom Reverse Connector

Users can now define the Back off parameter for the Custom Reverse Connector. Click on the Advanced Options button to specify whether you want to specify backoff time. If yes, then (in case of failure to fetch and insert data in one try) instead of retrying immediately and aggressively, there is a Backoff time (wait time between successive tries(in seconds)).


For the MongoDB Connector, new advanced filters have been included for including dynamic date. Users can now specify Greater Than Equal to (Number of Days) and Less Than Equal to (Number of Days) to specify the date range for which to fetch data. For e.g. If user specifies Greater Than Equal to (Number of Days) as 10 and Less than Equal to (Number of Days) as 3, then all the data after 10 days but before 3 days will be fetched.

Credential Validation

A credential validation mechanism has been embedded in the following connectors to ensure that only valid and verified credentials can be saved while adding/editing credentials. Using validation can help to ensure that any authentication issues are identified early on and addressed appropriately.

  • Salesforce.

  • Amazon Ads (for profile listing).

Google Ads

Earlier when saving Google Ads credentials users had to specify Manager Account ID when saving credentials. However, now a field for Manager Account ID has now been added to Pipeline configuration when specifying the Report details. Thus, users can now add credentials using OAuth and choose the supported Manager Account ID from the dropdown.


Transformations using dbt™ has now been upgraded to support dbt™Core versions up to version 1.8.

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