Jul 2024

New Connectors


DataChannel now supports the Myntra connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Myntra connector will enable users to stream relevant Myntra Seller account datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to manage orders in their Myntra Seller account.

Available Pipelines

  1. Seller Orders - Retrieve the details of orders in your Myntra Seller Account.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel now supports the MGID connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This MGID connector will enable users to stream relevant MGID datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to track and optimise their campaign performance using various metrics, resulting in better ad performance and user engagement.

Available Pipelines

  1. Advertising Campaign Daily Statistics - Retrieve daily statistics for all advertising campaigns for the chosen period.

  2. Advertising Campaign Daily Statistics Video Campaigns - Retrieve daily statistics for all video advertising campaigns for the chosen period.

  3. Advertising Campaign Statistics By Site - Retrieve statistics for all advertising campaigns for the chosen period, aggregated by site.

  4. Advertising Campaigns Detailed Daily Statistics - Retrieve detailed daily statistics for all advertising campaigns for the chosen period.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel now supports the email connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This email connector will enable users to stream relevant file attachments into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to move CSV, Excel and JSON file attachments from your email to your data warehouse automatically.

Available Pipelines

  1. CSV - Transfer data from CSV files into a user determined data warehouse.

  2. Excel - Transfer data from Excel files into a user determined data warehouse.

  3. JSON - Transfer data from JSON files into a user determined data warehouse.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel now supports the Simpli.fi connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Simpli.fi connector will enable users to stream relevant Simpli.fi datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to access campaign data and track various metrics to aid in campaign management.

Available Pipelines

  1. Campaign Stats - Retrieve all the statistics of the campaigns you’ve created.

  2. Campaigns - Retrieve details of all the campaigns you’ve created.

  3. Webhook Report - Retrieve a previously configured report.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.


DataChannel now supports the Zoom connector. The connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the DataChannel Dashboard. Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration.

This Zoom connector will enable users to stream relevant Zoom meeting datasets into a pre-determined warehouse of their choice. Users will be able to start accessing their data by setting up a pipeline. Data acquired using such a pipeline will enable users to retrieve meeting reports and activities from a Zoom meeting.

Available Pipelines

  1. Meetings - Retrieve granular data detailing all activities that occurred during a Zoom meeting.

  2. Meeting Reports - Retrieve meeting reports from a Zoom Meeting.

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Feature Updates

Amazon Ads

DataChannel’s Amazon Ads connector now supports 4 new forward data pipelines. The new and existing pipelines of the Amazon Ads connector can be accessed from the ETL tab on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the pipelines.

New Pipelines that are now available

Possible Destinations

Click here for more details about this connector.

Shopify Reverse ETL

DataChannel’s Shopify Reverse connector now supports a new reverse data sync. The new and existing syncs of the Shopify Reverse connector can be accessed from the Reverse ETL Tab on the Sidebar in the DataChannel UI.

Please follow the step-by-step Set up Guide for a smooth integration of the syncs.

New Pipeline that is now available

  • Inventory Levels- Upload details of available quantity for an inventory item at the associated location from your data warehouse to the Shopify platform.

Possible Data Warehouses

Click here for more details about this connector.

Bug Fixes

We have carried out minor bug fixes in Amazon Seller Central, Shopify Graph QL and Netsuite connectors.

Bug fixes have also been carried out for error logging for schema issues in BigQuery and Back-Fill Run initiation.

Additionally, with the latest bug fix in storage connectors, post processing action now applies to empty files as well.

Default notifications

Default Notifications are now enabled for first time sign-ups.

dbt™ transformations

When configuring the dbt™ Core Project you can now specify which command would you like to run (defaults to dbt run):

  • build - build and test all selected resources (models, seeds, snapshots, tests).

  • run - runs the models in a project.

  • test - executes tests defined in a project.

  • snapshot - executes "snapshot" jobs defined in a project.

dbt™ Cloud

Datachannel now supports transformations using dbt™ Cloud. For configuring your dbt™ Cloud project you must have a dbt™ Cloud account with administrator access.This feature provides robust orchestration that enables you to schedule, run, and monitor dbt™ Cloud jobs. Click here to know more.

Template management

We have upgraded and redesigned the Templates page in the ETL tab. You can familiarise yourself with the new layout of the Templates page in the image below.

data source templates page

Still have Questions?

We’ll be happy to help you with any questions you might have! Send us an email at info@datachannel.co.

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