List of Available Objects & Reports - Amazon Seller Central

Report / Object Description

Active Listings Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file detailed active listings report.

All Listings Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file detailed all listings report. It provides a snapshot of all your products.

Amazon Search Terms Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a JSON report containing data on the top clicked ASINs by search keyword and department for a marketplace.

B2B Product Opportunities- Not Yet on Amazon Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a comma-separated report which includes a compiled a list of products that are in demand, but are not yet on Amazon.

B2B Product Opportunities- Recommended For You Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a comma-separated report which includes recommended products that might be a good opportunity for the selling partner’s business on Amazon.

Browse Tree Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a XML report that provides browse tree hierarchy information and node refinement information for the Amazon retail website in any marketplace.

Cancelled Listings Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file cancelled listings report. It provides a snapshot of all the listings Amazon has cancelled (blocked) or that you’ve made inactive.

Coupons Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve JSON report containing data from coupon campaigns to help vendors optimize their promotions and adjust their advertising strategies.

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report where content is updated in near real-time. This report provides a snapshot of your inventory in Amazon’s fulfillment centers at the time the report is processed.

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report containing detailed order/shipment/item information including price, courier, and tracking data.

FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report (Invoicing)

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report used to generate tax invoices in the EU region.

FBA Fee Preview Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report containing the estimated Amazon Selling and Fulfillment Fees for the seller’s FBA inventory with active offers.

FBA Inbound Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains inbound shipment problems by product and shipment.

FBA Long Term Storage Fee Charges Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains the charge data for long-term storage.

FBA Manage Excess Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains listings with excess inventory, which helps sellers take action to sell through faster.

FBA Manage Inventory Health Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report giving a consolidated view across your sales, shipment statuses, estimated storage and long-term storage fees, and aged and excess units.

FBA Manage Inventory

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains current details of active (not archived) inventory including condition, quantity, and volume.

FBA Promotions Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report containing promotions applied to FBA customer orders sold through Amazon.

FBA Recommended Removal Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report identifying sellable items that will be 365 days old or older during the next Long-Term Storage cleanup event.

FBA Reimbursements Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report containing itemized details of a seller’s inventory reimbursements, including the reason for the reimbursement.

FBA Removal Order Detail Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report containing all the removal orders, including the items in each removal order, placed during any given time period.

FBA Removal Shipment Detail Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report providing shipment tracking information for all removal orders and includes the items that have been removed from an Amazon fulfillment center for either a single removal order or for a date range.

FBA Replacements Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains replacements that have been issued to customers for completed orders.

FBA Reserved Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains data about the number of reserved units in a seller’s inventory.

FBA Restock Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains recommendations on products to restock, suggested order quantities, and reorder dates.

FBA Returns Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains customer returned items received at an Amazon fulfillment center, including Return Reason and Disposition.

FBA Storage Fees Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report containing estimated monthly inventory storage fees for each ASIN of a seller’s inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers.

FBA Stranded Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains a breakdown of inventory in stranded status, including recommended actions.

Flat File Archived Orders Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that shows all archived orders that were placed in the specified period.

Flat File Feedback Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains negative and neutral feedback (one to three stars) from buyers who rated the seller’s performance.

Flat File Orders By Last Update Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that shows all orders updated in the specified period for all sellers.

Flat File Orders By Order Date Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that shows all orders that were placed in the specified period for all sellers.

Flat File Settlement Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file settlement report that is automatically scheduled by Amazon for all sellers.

Flat File V2 Settlement Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file alternate version of the Flat File Settlement Report that is automatically scheduled by Amazon for Seller Central sellers only.

Inactive Listings Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file detailed inactive listings report.

Inventory Ledger Report - Detailed View

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that is used to analyze your inventory movements to and from Amazon fulfillment centers, including products that are sold, returned, removed/disposed, damaged, lost, and found.

Inventory Ledger Report - Summary View

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that provides end-to-end inventory reconciliation capability by showing starting inventory balance, received inventory, customer orders, customer returns, adjustments, removals and ending balance.

Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file open listings report that contains a summary of the seller’s product listings with the price and quantity for each SKU.

Market Basket Analysis Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a JSON report containing data on the items that are most commonly purchased in combination with the items in the customer’s basket (cart) at checkout.

Open Listings Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file open listings report.

Promotions Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve JSON report containing data from promotion campaigns to help sellers and vendors optimize their promotions and adjust their advertising strategies.

Referral Fee Preview Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file that contains the seller’s open listings as well as the price and estimated referral fees for each SKU.

Repeat Purchase

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a JSON report containing data on the quantity of repeated purchases of the selling partner’s items.

Returns Report By Return Date

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve XML report contains detailed returns information, including return request date, RMA ID, label details, ASIN, and return reason code.

Sales and Traffic Report by ASIN

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve a JSON report with key sales performance metrics such as ordered product sales, revenue, units ordered, and claim amount, as well as page traffic metrics such as page views and buy box percentage of the seller’s entire catalog of items aggregated by ASIN.

Sales and Traffic Report by Date

This pipeline can be used to Sales and Traffic Report By Date can be used to request and retrieve a JSON report with key sales performance metrics such as ordered product sales, revenue, units ordered, and claim amount, as well as page traffic metrics such as page views and buy box percentage of the seller’s entire catalog of items aggregated by date range.

Seller Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve individual performance metrics data from the Seller Central Account Health dashboard.

Small and Light Inventory Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that contains all of a seller’s products that are enrolled in the Small & Light program and how much inventory they currently have in Small & Light fulfillment centers.

Subscribe and Save Forecast Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that provides an eight-week forecast of sales based on existing subscriptions and sales history.

Subscribe and Save Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file report that provides a trailing four-week view of items shipped, percentage of orders missed due to being out of stock, average post-discount sale price, and average discount for each SKU.

Supressed Listings Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve tab-delimited flat file that contains suppressed listings, the reason each listing is suppressed, and instructions for removing each suppression.

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