Taboola Ads Connector

Taboola is the world’s largest discovery platform. Empowered with unique content consumption data and world-class AI technology, it helps advertisers reach their audiences with compelling native ads in a brand-safe environment. Consumers see an advertiser’s content or product when they are in ‘discovery mode’, and are most open to discovering something new and interesting Taboola proves to be effective across the buyer journey––from increasing awareness to driving online purchases.

The Taboola Ads Connector lets you sync data from Taboola Ads API to your data warehouse automatically. You can find more information about Taboola Ads at the Taboola Ads API Documentation

taboola ads screen

Available Reports & Objects

List of all available pipelines is available here.

taboola ads pipelines list

Setup Guide

Follow our step-by-step Taboola Ads connector setup guide to connect Taboola Ads with your destination warehouse.

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