
Table/View Query report enables a user to request and retrieve data from the database based on a table/view and/or columns chosen by the user.

Configuring the Credentials

Select the account credentials which has access to relevant ClickhouseDB data from the dropdown menu & Click Next

Credentials not listed in dropdown ?

Click on + Add New for adding new credentials

Data Pipelines Details

Data Pipeline

Select Table/View from the dropdown

clickhousedb table view list

Enter the name of the table or view to query.


Select the columns to be included.

Setting Parameters

Select the fields that are necessary as per the file or folder .

Parameter Description Values

Fetch Mode


Specifies the manner in which data will get fetched from the data warehouse : FULL will fetch the entire column(s) from the selected table/view, INCREMENTAL will bring the fresh record(S) added since last fetch

Incremental, Full

Default Value: FULL

Incremental Key



(If Incremental is chosen as the Fetch Mode Type)

Choose the field which will serve as Incremental key.

String value

Insert Mode


Specifies the manner in which data will get updated in the data warehouse : UPSERT will insert only new records or records with changes, APPEND will insert all fetched data at the end, REPLACE will drop the existing table and recreate a fresh one on each run.

Upsert, Append, Replace

Default Value: UPSERT

Upsert Key



(If Upsert is chosen as the Insert Mode Type)

Specify the upsert key based on which data is to be upserted.

String value

clickhousedb table view config

Datapipeline Scheduling

Scheduling specifies the frequency with which data will get updated in the data warehouse. You can choose between Manual Run, Normal Scheduling or Advance Scheduling.

Manual Run

If scheduling is not required, you can use the toggle to run the pipeline manually.

Normal Scheduling

Use the dropdown to select an interval-based hourly, monthly, weekly, or daily frequency.

Advance Scheduling

Set schedules fine-grained at the level of Months, Days, Hours, and Minutes.

Detailed explanation on scheduling of pipelines can be found here

Dataset & Name

Dataset Name

Key in the Dataset Name(also serves as the table name in your data warehouse).Keep in mind, that the name should be unique across the account and the data source. Special characters (except underscore _) and blank spaces are not allowed. It is best to follow a consistent naming scheme for future search to locate the tables.

Dataset Description

Enter a short description (optional) describing the dataset being fetched by this particular pipeline.


Choose the events for which you’d like to be notified: whether "ERROR ONLY" or "ERROR AND SUCCESS".

Once you have finished click on Finish to save it. Read more about naming and saving your pipelines including the option to save them as templates here

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