List of Available Objects & Reports - GoogleAnalytics

Report / Object Description

Active Users

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve active users for increments of 1, 7, 14, and 28 days, and stay abreast of the level of user enthusiasm for your site or app.


This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve insights into visitor engagement

Campaign Metrics

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve performance statistics information about the campaign

Cohort Analysis

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve isolated and analyzed cohort behavior


This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve custom metrics and dimensions of your choosing.


This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve the age and gender of the website visitors.


This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve visitor information such as language and geographic location

Traffic Metrics

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve detailed insights into various traffic sources and other related metrics.