
Excel pipeline enables a user to transfer data from Excel file attachments into a user determined data warehouse.

Data Pipelines Details

Data Pipeline

Select Excel from the dropdown

email excel list
File Name

Enter an Excel file name.

Setting Parameters

Select the fields that are necessary as per the file or folder .

Parameter Description Values

Header Column Present


Specify whether Header is present in the sheet. If "No", is selected, the entire range will be treated as data.

Yes, No

Default Value: Yes

Header Row


Row number on which headers are present

Integer Value

Default Value: 1

Data Row


Row number from which data starts

Integer Value

Default Value: 2

Sheet Name


Enter the name of the sheet

String Value

Insert Mode


Specifies the manner in which data will get updated in the data warehouse : UPSERT will insert only new records or records with changes, APPEND will insert all fetched data at the end, and REPLACE will drop the existing table and recreate a fresh one on each run. Recommended to use "Upsert" option unless there is a specific requirement.

Upsert, Append, Replace

Default Value: Replace

Upsert Key



(If Upsert is chosen as the Insert Mode Type)

Enter the column name based on which data is to be upserted.

String value

Attempt Schema Inference


If Yes then value types will be fetched as it is, eg: Float will be fetched as float. If No then everything will be fetched as string irrespective of its type.

Yes, No

Default Value: No



Choose Yes or No depending on the file compression

Yes, No

Default Value: No

Compression Type


Required (If Compressed = Yes)

Specify the file compression type

Zip, Gzip



Specify the row number containing the footer, data after this row will not be extracted

Integer value (eg:10)

File Encoding


Specify the encoding type of the file which will be used to decode the file

String value (eg:utf-8)

Include Source File Name


Set this parameter to 'YES' if you want to include source file name in the data warehouse. Default: 'NO'.

Yes, No

Default Value: No

email excel config
email excel config 2

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