List of Available Objects & Reports - Google Search Ads 360

Report / Object Description

Ad Group Ad

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about an ad group’s ad resources.

Ad Group Asset

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about an ad group’s assets.

Ad Group Audience View

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about an ad group’s audience view.

Ad Group Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about the performance of ad groups.

Campaign Asset

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about a campaign’s assets.

Campaign Audience View

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about a campaign’s audience view.

Campaign Budget

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about a campaign’s budget.

Campaign Performance Report

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about the performance of campaigns.

Keyword View

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about keyword view.

Location View

This pipeline can be used to request and retrieve details about location view.

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